Friday, November 10, 2017


     『文創』-- 澳門。。。。澳門文創............對!想講的就是你,不要避!但你卻偏偏不在我們這裡 ---『澳門』.......... 哎喲,等等.......說又奇怪,其實,您又真的沒有避開過我。因為您根本 一直沒有存在和出現於我們這個地方--澳門。

     明明每天都聽到您『文創』的活動動向報導,偉大而前曕旗號,各個文創精英滿懷策略,磨拳擦掌,發射著閃耀光芒的觀點,意向,一步一步 ,引領我們 『澳門』走上 及沉醉在萬天創意的城市以填滿街頭巷尾的氣氛景像之內。但。。。這麼多年 ,人都老了,足足十多年頭;保守折算:三千六百多天,四萬三千多小時,無時無刻....其實我都有情心說話未曾可以不顧一切的對你表白。未曾講原因,因為怕招上放逐到邊疆塞外的可能,那時候只能每天曝曬在陽光下,看著沙與塵在我的面前滚盪著。為一滴水,唯有收聲,乖乖隨波續流。

      『您』--『文創』事實上根本,沒有出現過什至存在過;在我的家(----這裡 『澳門』)。人生到最後都沒有向『您』表白,可真是一個最大的遺憾。

     我現在真的沒有什麼可怕,愛一個,連表白的勇氣都沒有,那算得上什麼,註: 我亦不會指望,我對你表白之後,您會見到我。因為我一早領教到;知道自以為高尚的『您』,無論我如何用心努力,鑽研探索,發揮。『您』都看不見我, 更不用說您會愛上我(.........這個.......家---澳門)。因為您只喜歡表面 ,您喜歡甜言。您喜歡別人提供而您取材,您喜歡別人開創而您方便之門,您喜歡別人替您思考而您指揮,您喜歡別人規範而您自由自在,您喜歡別人為你娛樂,而不喜歡傷腦筋思考,不喜歡一層一層的深度,不喜歡耐性,不喜歡沉澱,不喜歡細味。我與你,根本就是兩種人。各不相關,只是您不知道,您拿了我們的東西去幹您所謂偉大的創作,激盪文化。

     容易翻看,滿街文創的澳門。 可真是無處不在看到『您』的消息。但。。文創 真的存在過嗎?我不得不,再說多一片。文創您真的在澳門產生過嗎?.......這個真的要問問那些文創精英,文創在那裡了,澳門這麼一個細小地方,您們這麼多年打做的文創藏到那裡去了?這麼多的文創路線,找天帶我去看看澳門文創盧山真面目好嗎?


     這些年來,澳門攪著攪著,都是一大堆本末倒置的文創。由上而下 ,一大班都沒有真正聆聽,沒有真心接受,沒有真心欣賞過澳門真正 一步一步,白天為生活之後,晚上仍艱苦奮鬥創作的人所創造的作品,亦沒有聽得進耳,由這些真創作得來的經驗意見,每每只是一知半解之後,您便邀請那些所謂文創精英,任由他們擺布 真正創作人如何創作。


    澳門文創以門外漢之見,長久打著文創的概念與理念。我想問問你,文創究竟是什麼?文創應該是要看到什麼樣的視聽感受? 文創是不是人人都可以分一杯羮,就可以成事?是不是派一些人外地考察,就可以旨望,期待那些旅遊大使團友可以為澳門帶來創意文產?文是什麼呢?創又是什麼呢?一個滿街急功近利,虛浮名利的地市,根本沒有人會慢下來 及浪費他們分一杯羮的時間機會去欣賞細味作品。資料從沒有滋潤過真正創作人,相反滋養過不少利用文與創混水摸魚及滿懷企圖的門外漢。

    對!講就可以了,做 -- 『創作』。。。他們是不用實踐出來的。有的是錢,去誘惑你為他們創作那些他們想要什麼所謂 文創產業下的文章故事,交功課式去充斥著這個城市每個角落。就是我們現在在澳門滿街所看到的。


      澳門從來都不談創作版權,...........因為要『您』付費,要『您』承認『您』不是 主角。我們才是。




      澳門要文有創,便須要正視你們所作所為而放下,看看你們的屬性,返回你們的屬性崗位,把創意歸還給真正 而有實力潛質的創作人,讓他們經意成創,以作品告訴你!一片具文化價值的天空。你們肯虛心放下,再肯真誠欣賞與本土文化互動,便會找得到,找了多年,遠在天邊近在眼前的,心靈盛宴。去扶助,去支持,讓真正有個性,有修養,有實質內在專長的創意人去走他們更遠的路;去排解,去建構 ,真正有觀點,有靈魂,有心創作的感意之人所面對難題,成就他們,而不是向他們掉石頭。讓他們以作品,以獨到觀點,聚合成理,引領觀眾,互動相知。
     能力是有高低,包含層次。若果  『您』還是想扭曲意思,助不成文章為典堂。我會繼續支持『您』。因為『您』的懸崖就在前面。

        不過每個人都有其喜好,生活方式的,別人想怎樣過活,我己不想理會了,我要做自己,既然『您』不會愛我,我亦不會愛『您』,我愛惜自己,做我自己創作人生,為我自己發光發熱。更何況,我早早己不須要『您』的讚賞,這個心情可追溯至史前時代,在我的人生旅途上,我只須要慢慢而耐心地遇上看到我的人,欣賞我的人,支持我的人  ............

        夜欄人靜....... 收音機.......傳來.....

        仍然在遠方追我夢與想 ......繼續懷念您............卻又這麼慢長.............................!

                                                                                                                               4:45am    11/11/2017
                                                                                                                                             Yuen Wai ip



仍然在遠方 追我夢與想
繼續懷念你 卻又這麼漫長
從前未會想 感覺是雙方
你若燃亮我 我亦要懂得釋放


你這剎那在何方 我有說話未曾講
如何能聯繫上 與你再相伴在旁
愛意要是沒回響 世界與我又何干
原來仍然是你叫我永不斷自強 如晨光

無數遠景再同創 遙遙同往
願再去找更遼闊同行地方 在途上

情路獨個闖 溫暖是妄想
每日來又往 也像隔一道牆
回頭又再想 心裡漸奔放
你若能會意 掛念已找到方向


你這剎那在何方 我有說話未曾講
如何能聯繫上 與你再相伴在旁
愛意要是沒回響 世界與我又何干
原來仍然是你叫我永不斷自強 如晨光

你這剎那在何方 我有說話未曾講
如何能聯繫上 與你再相伴在旁
愛意要是沒回響 世界與我又何干
原來仍然是你叫我永不斷自強 如晨光

無數遠景再同創 遙遙同往


Where are you this moment? I want to talk to you….


          Creative cultural works….Macau… Macau's creative cultural works… Yes! That's right! That’s who I want to talk about, that's You, Macau! Stop hiding! Yet, You're not right here with us, Macau. It's strange if I were to ponder about it, You weren't intentionally trying to avoid me, because from the very beginning, You never were there or existed in this place we're all in- Macau.


           I hear Your plans and watch Your movement  everyday,  I'm watching. They sound great, almost grand I'd say, as You aim for the stars with the intention of bringing us along, for Macau to be pivoted and propelled into the colorful world of creativity that will fill every nook and cranny of our little city. But, after all these years, more than a decade later, the people have grown old. I'd be a little conservative here, 365 days is about 43,000 hours, I still have sentimental words that I have yet to express to You. I haven't said anything yet for the fear of being brandished to a corner or even exiled by You so all I can do is to sit silently, basking under the sun, watching how time is slipping through my finger tips like grains of sand. For the sake of a droplet of water to quench my thirst, I can only wait patiently, and go with the flow of the waves.


         You, yes You, in reality, did not even make a presence, or should I say existed in my home, my Macau.  To not confess my innermost feelings to You is my life's biggest regret. 


          There's nothing I fear now. To love and yet not have the courage to confess, does that even count? Note to self: not that I have big hopes that You would notice me after I confess. Because I knew right from the start, that You who sit in the high seats of Your palace, would never notice me no matter how hard I tried to express and prove myself. I wouldn't even count on You falling in love with me.. (Oh, this place I call home, Macau). All You love is the superficial, the sweet words. All You love is people's inputs that You collect. All You love is for others to create and work to Your convenience. All You love is to make others do the thinking while You direct. You like others to follow rules while You freely act, You like others to entertain You but not crack that brain of Yours or even use it. You're impatient and don't appreciate fine taste. You and me, we're from two different worlds. It's probably irrelevant, and You probably don't know or even realise that You've taken away our resources to create Your so-called Grand Cultural Masterpiece, stirring up a "Cultural Revolution".


           If I looked around, I can see creativity is indeed all over Macau. I definitely see your footprints on every corner. But again I question, did creativity really exist? I cannot resist reiterating my point. Has creativity ever existed in Macau?  This question, I'd have to ask the creative talents where they found creativity in such a small place like Macau. Where have they been hiding all their work all this time? With so many winding roads to creativity, can they lead me to the mountain of creation and show me its glory?


           This is definitely a very real yet precious joke, thinking about how much manpower and resources have been invested, the expense of which is indeed impressive!


          Whatever Macau has been stirring up in recent years is just simply REGRESSIVE creativity. From the top to bottom levels of "the organisation", no one has really listened, accepted or appreciated the daily efforts that Macau talents have sacrificed to push for creativity. We work busy day jobs and continue to slog through the night to brainstorm and create our works. Yet, despite all our efforts, whether it's a blooming idea that is half baked as we create, we have not had ANY encouragement or appreciation. Instead, You invite the so called "elites" to show us the direction of how we should be creative, and teach us how we should proceed.


          It seems as though we hear You share daily developments and Your investments on encouraging creativity and it feels like we are building a plausible albeit awkward relationship, but yet what is extremely frustrating yet something I can’t explicitly say out loud is that I am actually the one who is doing all the work. Unfortunately, since You’re the face of creativity, I would have to shut-up and listen. … Under such circumstance, there are words of love not yet spoken. And that’s the true conundrum of where Macau’s creativity is right now. I can boldly say, I am not afraid of You. If you are truly talented, show me your works! I’m ready for a challenge! Bring it on!



          Macau’s level of creativity is viewed as laymen’s work, junior and constantly working towards progress. I’d like to ask You to define creativity. What is it? What is the standard of measurement for development? Does everyone need to have a slice of the pie to eat before it is considered developed? Is it about sending people out to different parts of the world in hope of getting insights from the cultural ‘experts’ aboard to direct how we should go? What is works? What is innovation? People who live in a city that is hungry for quick success and wealth are not going to slow down to appreciate the development of fine arts. Whatever previous information or direction that was gathered has never been shared with the real creators of art, but instead has misled the laymen of the industry or created ways for them to take advantage of the system!



          Yes, talk, that's all they do. Works? I haven't seen anything solid that has been done. What they have is money, and they use that to seduce You into creating stories on their behalf that show the textbook step by step progress Macau has made to develop creativity. And this is exactly what we see on the streets of Macau today.


            Ever since the words "Creative Cultural Works" were uttered in Macau, the 'elites' in the industry shut their eyes, ears and doors to the creative voices. Because the creative people are a working class of sweaty and filthy people and it would be too embarrassing for them to show up in clean, air-conditioned offices. In the public eye, creatives should be on the sidelines, in the shadows. If you don't believe me, take a look at the photos and press coverages, this long-standing phenomenon isn't a reporting style or me trying to be a protagonist. Do you think such a phenomenon would entice budding artists or bring about a robust cultural atmosphere brimming with creative ideas and value? This is a place full of uneducated, selfish individuals who strut around with their egos held high, snootily bragging of self-achievements without a willingness to learn. In the last ten years, You've sat in in high positions in comfortable offices earning a fat pay check and self-righteously directed how the industry should be moulded into through using sweet fancy words like "urban ecology". Do you really think there can be room for individuals with true creativity and substance?

          There has never been talk of copyrighting here, because we need You to pay for our service, and want You to admit that You are not the protagonist. We are!

             But don’t forget, tall buildings are always built on a foundation. If it weren’t for this filthy, sweaty bunch of us labourers working through dusty conditions, turning abstract concepts into a reality with our experiences, there will be no such thing as the comfort and innovation that exists today; not even Your very own existence which You think is a result of the good fortune You have and crediting your blessings that You think had dropped out from the sky!


           Culture is derived from interaction and is malleable and fluid. It is not from this one-directional, authoritarian, finger-pointing influence that have existed for so long.


           What is Feeling without Emotion?



         For Macau  to have  a  creative industry,  You first need to put down what you’ve been doing, relook at Your own attributes and go back to where You came from! Return the baton of creativity back to those who have true talent and let their works speak for themselves! There is a wealth of cultural value now! If You’re willing to relinquish control and sincerely appreciate how creativity has evolved with local culture, You’ll find what You’ve been looking for all these years- the gems that are worthy of a celebration. Help and support creative people who have real personality, motivation, cultural construct and inner expertise, to pave the way. Help them to solve problems, guide the construction of real ideas that have substance and feeling, and induce a sense of purpose among them. Recognise and appreciate them and not throw stones at them! Allow them to use their own unique works to find meaning cohesively, works that will lead the audience and spur interaction.

          There are different levels of abilities. If You are still insistent of distorting its meaning, it is not going to help the script become the show. I will however continue to support You. Because the cliff drop is just a step right ahead of You.



        Everyone has their own preferences and lifestyles. How others choose to live their lives, I've given up trying to understand. I want to be true and honest to myself. Since You don't love me, I can't love You either. I need to love myself and be my own person of creativity and allow myself to shine. Moreover, from much earlier on, I never needed Your appreciation. Such a feeling can be traced back to the pre-historic era. In my own personal journey, all I need is patience and wait in hopeful anticipate to meet someone who will see me, appreciate me and support me.


            In the stillness of the night while the sounds of the radio come on… 

            I continue to chase my dreams and continue to miss you, even though the road ahead is still a galaxy away….

                                                                                                                  Leo, Yuen Wai Ip 4:45am 11/11/2017

                                                                                                                                          EN translation : GN

Words Of Love Not Yet Spoken


Composer: Mark Lui 

The lyrics: Poon Yuen leung

Arranger: Mark Lui 

Lead singer: Leon Lei 

Still from afar chasing my dreams and hopes

Continuously, thinking of you and missing you, which makes the days so long

Before I never thought that the feeling would be mutual

If you should show me the way, I will know how to let go


The past days we had shared together

I didn’t know how to cherish that time

Tonight I am all alone

Regret having wasted all the time we once had


Where are you at this moment? I have words not yet spoken

How can the past be mended so you will be by my side again?


If love should never come around again, this world will not have any meaning to me

Still you are the one that tells me, never to give up and continue to be strong, like the rising of the sun


Love and affection is even brighter than the sky

Numerous scenes from afar left to go through together, heading in the same direction but so far away

Willing to find a better place together, on the road


Going by the days, proceeding alone, the feeling of warmth seems like it will never come again

Everyday that goes by, seems like we are separated by a wall

Thinking back on the past, my heart gradually races

If you can feel it too, then my thoughts will have already found a direction


The past days we had shared together

I didn’t know how to cherish that time

Tonight I am all alone

Regret having wasted all the time we once had


Where are you at this moment? I have words not yet spoken

How can the past be mended so you will be by my side again?

If love should never come around again, this world will not have any meaning to me

Still you are the one that tells me, never to give up and continue to be strong, like the rising of the sun


Where are you at this moment? I have words not yet spoken

How can the past be mended so you will be by my side again?

If love should never come around again, this world will not have any meaning to me

Still you are the one that tells me, never to give up and continue to be strong, like the rising of the sun


Love and affection is even brighter than the sky

Numerous scenes from afar left to go through together, heading in the same direction but so far away

Willing to find a better place together.


( The lyrics non official translation )