WORK TO MYSELF chapter 4
自作業 肆 WORK TO MYSELF chapter 4 20/02 ~ 14/03 / 2010
Location : 三巴藝門
present : 13 pieces
Special thanks: Gigi lei 及德馨學社 給予展出機會 ,三巴藝門 / 三巴角落之友支持
第四個章節畫展已進行了一大半。間期收到朋友們訊息及facebook 留言上支持的鼓勵。自己要多謝大家,及努力﹣希望下次至將來的作品更能感動他人,做好自己以報答支持我作品的你們。
最近身邊吹起一股約會熱。際遇各人不同,你看我好,我看你更好。一向一句「自由自在的你』已即時令我無言反駁及﹣﹣填補。不過最近亦真正明白,我真的比你好,因為我一直在不斷約會,只是這麼遠其實已掛在我眼前。約會一個一個在自己手中安排。位置早已給一幅幅作品填補,看來我真的比你們好。因為我早己在「談----------戀愛』。 25 /02/2010 4:50:29 pm.
WORK TO MYSELF chapter 3
自作業 叁 WORK TO MYSELF chapter 3 5~23/9 /2008
Location : Center for Creative Industries
present : 11 pieces
Special thanks: CCI and Rita help to design all promotion items for this exhibition
Those painting on this exhibition is between me and Macao society , is me feeling about the develop and change of Macao around this past few years.
向上爬 Climbing up 木馬屠城 2 Troy 2
oil on canvas oil on canvas
28/8/2006 14/9/2007
77 x 105 cm h 92 x 59 cm h
模特兒 Model 覓食 Looking for food
oil on canvas oil on canvas
1/7/2007 27/3/2007
70 x 57 cm h 65 x 60 cm h
第二次殖民 The second colonized 下午茶 High tea
oil on canvas oil on canvas
11/1/2008 23/1/2007
134 x 65 cm h 61 x 42 cm h
百鳥圖 Hundred-bird sight 楚河漢界 David and the Giant
oil on canvas oil on cavas
17/6/2008 2/9/2008
186 x 90 cm h 213 x 77 cm h
WORK TO MYSELF chapter 2
自作業 弍 WORK TO MYSELF chapter 2 22/4~13/5 /2006
Location : Center for Creative Industries
present : 17 pieces
Special thanks: CCI and 姚豐先生 黃偉雄先生
Those painting was finished many years before, and don't have a very strong purpose to finished them for exhibition. They relate my dairy life experience, my feeling of life, finding the answer of relations between people.
結局 the end
oil on canvas
165 x 195cm h
電梯博物館 elevator Museum
oil on canvas
206 x 111.5 cm h
看不見的天空 empty sky
oil on canvas
127 x 168 cm h
成人迷宮 adult's maze
oil on canvas
86.5 x 120 cm h
生日蛋糕 birthday cake
oil on canvas
114 x 42.5 cm h
聚餐 group dining
oil on canvas
114 x 52.5 cm h
禽流感 bird flu
oil on canvas
84 x 97 cm h
WORK TO MYSELF chapter 1
自作業 上集 WORK TO MYSELF Part 1 9~13/9/2003
location : UNESCO Centre of Macao
present: 17 pieces
This is my first solo exhibition. Those painting is from my dairy left, the people I met, the story, the city, the sight, the things happened around me.
醉生夢死 I my way
oil on canvas
100 x 70 cm h
oil on canvas
241 x 110cm h
焦熱晚上的紅衣先生 I
oil on canvas
178 x 130 cm h
oil on canvas
101 x 76 cm h
Sleeping city I
oil on canvas
240 x 176 cm h
Sleeping city II
oil on canvas
234 x 155 cm h
© Copy right, Yuen Wai Ip . All image not to be reprouduced without permission.
All rights reserved.